How PrizmXchange is different from other crypto exchanges?
Merry Christmas to all members of Prizm X change,
Welcome to PrizmXchange, the revolutionary cryptocurrency exchange that democratically determines the actual value of cryptocurrencies.
Our significant dependency on centralized exchanges for cashing our crypto assets to local fiat shall be resolved by Peer-to-Peer Order Book to sell Crypto against Prizm X coin at User decided crypto asset value.
instead of selling crypto for stablecoins through centralized exchanges where we need to verify actual stablecoins holdings. and liquidity to these stablecoins is provided by us instead of exchanges who buy our tangible assets for fake numbers credited as stablecoins to our wallet.
You shall be able to make a profit even if you are not trading Prizm X, as holding Prizm X in your wallet shall generate new coins every moment using the breakthrough technology of para mining.
Prizm exchange has brought real-life solutions faced by all crypto users.
The security of crypto stored in exchanges is centralized and has single-person control over public assets.
We sell our real crypto against stable coins for which exchanges don’t have to pay, as 99% of people collect stable coins and sell them on peer-to-peer platforms to ordinary users.
Hence in this deal, exchanges buy our real crypto for free.
This process gives an undue advantage to exchanges to manipulate the crypto price and sell us back crypto, which they acquired from us for free.
and lastly, the most critical issue is data. These exchanges have all our crypto-holding data, our behavioral patterns, and our decision-making pattern. When combined, data of all users' exchanges are in a position to pump up or pump down any crypto assets.
All issues that have been discussed so far have one solution, and that is Prizm Exchange and PrizmX Coin.
Combined, they shall provide secure crypto trading with real value, real users, and a price decided by people in a democratic peer-to-peer order book-based crypto trading exchange,
where prices of a crypto asset are impossible to manipulate due to 100% liquidity-based orders being only fulfilled between users.
We, as an exchange, do not execute any order based on existing Auto Market Maker liquidity-based scripts, which paves the way for Inflation in the crypto market.
We have only a single market pair of PrizmX coin against all cryptos, which shall enable users to exchange crypto for crypto instead of crypto for stable coins.